
How to print to pdf bullzip
How to print to pdf bullzip

how to print to pdf bullzip
  1. #How to print to pdf bullzip how to
  2. #How to print to pdf bullzip install
  3. #How to print to pdf bullzip code

#How to print to pdf bullzip how to

So - now there is only one open problem - how to deal with opening/closing of Acrobat Reader during Bullzip silent print. I am sure that Bullzip PrintFile is the cause of the problem - it somehow ignores the settings that required silent print. Windows registry changes do not solve issue in this case. Automatically opened Acrobat home screen (welcome message, recent file list etc.) is very annoying issue which has not solution generally, e.g. MessageDlg('All is OK', mtInformation,, 0) īut there is one serious problem with this solution - PrintFile procedure opens new PDF file for a moment and then closes it but the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC home screen remains opened. MessageDlg('AfterPrintProgram: '+TmpString, mtInformation,, 0) īZUtil.PrintFile('C:\TMP\original_file.pdf', TmpPrinterName) TmpString:=BZSettings.GetValue('AfterPrintProgram')

how to print to pdf bullzip

MessageDlg('RunOnSuccess: '+TmpString, mtInformation,, 0) TmpString:=BZSettings.GetValue('RunOnSuccess') MessageDlg('RunOnError: '+TmpString, mtInformation,, 0) TmpString:=BZSettings.GetValue('RunOnError')

how to print to pdf bullzip

TmpPrinterName:=BZUtil.DefaultPrinterName īZSettings.SetValue('Output', 'C:\TMP\reprinted_file.pdf') īZSettings.SetValue('ShowSettings', 'never') īZSettings.SetValue('ShowSaveAS', 'never') īZSettings.SetValue('ShowProgress', 'no') īZSettings.SetValue('ShowProgressFinished', 'no') īZSettings.SetValue('ConfirmOverwrite', 'no') īZSettings.SetValue('AfterPrintProgramMode', 'hide') īZSettings.SetValue('RunOnSuccessMode', 'hide') īZSettings.SetValue('RunOnErrorMode', 'hide') I can print PDF document (large) to PDF document (small) with COM automation of Bullzip printer: var BZUtil, BZSettings: OleVariant īZUtil:=CreateOleObject('Bullzip.PdfUtil') īZSettings:=CreateOleObject('Bullzip.PdfSettings') We are sticking with Pragnaan, because there is nothing better, but we just need reprinting already complete PDF file. We are using Pragnaan because it gently handles diacritics in non-English languages, but it has this drawback of making huge files.

#How to print to pdf bullzip code

Pragnaan takes ppReport - TReport component and FileName - TmpFileName, the code is one line: ExportToPDF(ppReport, TmpFileName) I am using Digital Metaphors ReportBuilder and Pragnaan ReportBuilder Export Device. Is the common denominator? Or maybe I should stick to some specific PDF system and add additional requirement on users. But onviously PDF files can be opened by different systems and printed as well. Usually each processing system (MS office Word or Excel, ReportBuilder) support opening specific files and printing them silently. I am seeking Embarcadero Delphi solution, but I would be happy to receive the general answers as well (I can adapte them to myself for Delphi implementation).

#How to print to pdf bullzip install

I would like to have PDF-printer-agnostic solution and let user to choose what PDF printer to install and use. So - the question is - how to reprint PDF file with PDF printer to antoher file. If I print this PDF document with PDF printer (Bullzip, PDF Architect, ect.) to another PDF file then resulting PDF file is only 40kb is size and that is fine. My system produces PDF document that by some unknown reason is quite large - over 1 MB.

How to print to pdf bullzip